
SQLconnectR is a collection of functions to connect R to different data sources. Long term idea is to convert it in a R package. With various methods of the current solution, user should be able to connect to various SQL data sources e.g. SQL Server using ODBC driver 13 , Azure SQL DB, older flavor of SQL Server, etc. and get data from the sources in the form of R data object, e.g. data frame.

Getting Started

Currently, the SQLconnectR.R file can be imported to any existing R projects and the functions could be used to create SQL database connection, execute SQL script and get result back in a dplyr dataframe.


To execute this project, you will need the following applications - R - 3.5+ Any R editor, e.g. R Studio, Jupyter or any other notebook R packages: DBI, ODBC, glue, magrittr, dplyr, stringr.


This particular project requires some dependent packages but the dependency would be mentioned as the part of the function and they should be installed automatically from CRAN as needed.


runSQL(<SQLFilePath>, <ServerName>, <DatabaseName>,glueSQLlist=list(rCnt=<Parameter or R Variable>),)

Project Status

Project is completed for the SQL connectivity part. Other connection options can be extended and explored in future.


Git is used for project versioning.


Anirban Pal


Hat tip to anyone whose code was used Inspiration etc