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Webscraping in Python

Readme file for the Webscraping in Python project

In this program, I am collecting wether data for my current location from Then I am putting it in a pandas data frame, doing basic clean up and doing some analysis on the data.

Table of contents

Getting Started

(Back to top) These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


(Back to top) To execute this project, you will need the following applications -

Anaconda distribution alone should be enough. Find it here

Following Python libraries


(Back to top) This particular project does not require any installation other than the required softwares mentioned above.


(Back to top) This section will be updated as the project is developed.

Project Status

(Back to top) Completed


(Back to top) Git is used for project versioning.


(Back to top) Anirban Pal


(Back to top)

  1. Tutorial: Web Scraping and BeautifulSoup The article provides a basic structure and idea about web scraing using python.
  2. Jarrel, Ethan (2018), Web Scraping 101 with Python & Beautiful Soup This articleis an extensive description of stepsstarting from the installation of Beautiful Soup, capturing HTML data to extract information.