
The intent of this project is to demontrate various data visualizations, i.e. graph types using R. Similar graphs using Python and Power BI will also be uploaded in the project directory but R examples should be considered for for completeness and presentation.

Getting Started

All the image and data files for this project are in the repository.


To execute this project, you will need the following applications -

R - 3.5+ Python 3 - optional Power BI Desktop - optional Any R editor, e.g. R Studio, Jupyter or any other notebook

R packages: magrittr, dplyr, ggplot2, stringr, , repr, xlsx


This particular project requires some dependent packages but the dependency would be mentioned as the part of the function and they should be installed automatically from CRAN as needed.


This section will be updated as the project is developed.

Project Status

Project work in progress and will be constantly updated.


Git is used for project versioning.


Anirban Pal
